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May 26, 2013

Team Cobra impersonating law enforcement?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth

You will hear William Staubs – ‘Cobra the Bounty Hunter’ and Jeremiah Regan prepare a hidden tape recorder to be worn while Regan solicits a statement from Amber Brooks.

Jeremiah Regan tells Brooks he spoke with “lead investigators” on the case and is now acting as their agent as he speaks to her.

Jeremiah Regan professes to have authority from law enforcement to offer “immunity” to Brooks.

William Staubs (Cobra the Bounty Hunter) can be heard at the beginning and end of the recording.   

Jeremiah Regan is the man Teresa Knight identified as being in the company of HaLeigh Cummings on April 26, 2009 at the Tiger Express Gas Station in Brunson, South Carolina.